Becoming a Better Public Speaker


At the beginning of this year I set a goal of becoming a better public speaker and more visible in both tech and other broader causes I believe in. I’m happy to say that in the last two months I gave three talks! Two were prepared talks with slides at tech conferences. The other was an unprepared conversation on a podcast. These were all technical and related to my work at Spotify. Outside of Spotify, I spoke for one minute at a mock political town hall in front of about 30 people and at a public policy forum for ~15 minutes in front of roughly the same number of people. But more on that later. Here are my technical talks. These talks wouldn’t be possible without the help, feedback, and moral support from my Spotify colleagues.

1. Keynote at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 in Barcelona on May 22, 2019

“How Spotify Accidentally Deleted All its Kube Clusters with No User Impact”

2. Kubernetes Podcast from Google on April 23, 2019

“Spotify, with David Xia”. Listen on Spotify here.

3. Joint talk with Google at Google Next SF on April 11, 2019

“GKE Usage Metering: Whose Line Item Is It Anyway?”
